Turmeric: A Secret Weapon Against Fat

Turmeric: A Secret Weapon Against Fat

In life, the power to survive lies in you being fit, and not fat. This has nothing to do with Darwinism. Fit has all to do with one’s qualitative qualifications in order to fit in whatever niche of life one find themselves in. So, is it a crime unhealthy to be fat? Nay! To say that anyone who has a big body structure is sick is tantamount to automatically giving a clean bill of health to every skinny Tom, Dick and Harry you meet.

In fact it will be prudent and appropriate to state at this juncture that fat is not poison and we all need fats in our bodies. The battle here in against the literal existence of fat in our bodies but the quality and quantity of fat in our bodies. The battle is neither between the fat and thin. It is in maintaining good health irrespective of how your body structure is termed-fat or thin.

Unleashing the golden bullet

Turmeric: a Secret Weapon Against FatTurmeric is famed to be a wonder spice loaded many medicinal capabilities that are known to combat a wide range of ailments. One such capability is the effect it has on the growth, development and spread of  cancer cells. It does inhibit and also weakens their ability to destroy healthy cells in the body. This is according to many researches and numerous studies that have been conducted in many renown universities across the world.

With thousands of scientific  publications fixing their focus on turmeric,one of the emerging capability inherent in this herb is its ability to deal with unwanted fats in the body in a manner that is safe and natural. The good side of it is that these discoveries are gaining publicity with the conventional medical and scientific establishments. This is also driving the conventional medical and scientific fraternity to seek for possible ways to incorporate turmeric into their ranks of conventional drugs.

What research says about the role of turmeric in healthy fat loss

Turmeric: a Secret Weapon Against FatFor you to have a share of the health benefits of turmeric in fat loss, you don’t need to spend a fortune. Continuous studies are always showing that turmeric’s qualitative and highly affordable components (including food intakes) are key tools in combating obesity.and the better side of the story is that they are readily available to the common man  yet without prohibitive price tags attached to them.

A good example of such researches is the one that was conducted at a  Chines state university. Out of that study, it was established that turmeric does neutralize the unhealthy  effects arising from eating junk foods.

Astonishingly, the study also  found out that curcumin consumption directly reduced the insulin, a  factor that is responsible for fat gain.

It went on to conclude that: by reducing the deposits of fat , relaxation of the  the lymphatic system and inhibiting  the apoptosis of beta cells; curcumin can also reduce  the levels of insulin  to a great extent as well as leptin resistance that arises from  the consumption of too much fat in food.

Other similar studies have also arrived at the same conclusions, confirming that turmeric direct intake of turmeric linked to is also associated with a healthy loss of fat  and lowered  insulin-related complications.

Turmeric Relieves Arthritic Inflammation

Turmeric Relieves Arthritic Inflammation

The plague of life style-related diseases is beginning to take toll everywhere, East and West. The Middle East, despite its hot climate is not exempted from psoriatic, rheumatoid, and osteoarthritis. In Israel for instance over 16%  of its  population is affected by various forms of arthritis. In the UAE over 19% of its population is equally affected. However, these Eastern statistics are lower compared to that of their American counterparts that is standing at over 21% of its  populace.

But as the count is getting higher, it is a good sign that people are waking up to the reality of alternative medications. One such herb that has attracted such attention is the turmeric herb. No longer remaining an Eastern treasure, turmeric is slowly attracting the attention of Western populations, learning and medical institutions and their dons as well.

Turmeric Relieves Arthritic InflammationJust read this

This is a true account of a lady, recounting her husband’s experience. This is what she says, “Do you like  turmeric as a smoothie? This is the way my spouse gets his share of turmeric’s medicinal benefits. After being discontinuing his conventional  anti-inflammation treatment, it was my turn to scout around and get a herbal alternative to offer him relief in his paining hands. My hubby suffers from psoriatic arthritis. Though both of us are acquainted with  herbal medicines, we had to read a bit wider in regard to this subject. Although the ability of turmeric to fight cancer is common knowledge to some of us, this time round we learned something completely new”. She is not alone, but a part of the larger population that is waking up to this reality.

An auspice of hope

Despite the unpleasant figures above, there is some ray of hope. These days  medical institutions are riveting their attention on curcumin, one of turmeric’s ingredients as a tool in controlling these ravaging diseases. A  Thai study in late last decade concluded that curcumin was just as good as many prescription drugs in managing the knee osteoarthritis pains.This review of preclinical and clinical trials  is just one of many publications confirming curcumin’s  anti-inflammatory capabilities.

An array of dosage forms

Turmeric Relieves Arthritic InflammationYou can take turmeric in the following forms.below is a list of the available options that you can take in order to benefit from its immense health-enhancing capabilities:

  • Take it as a  smoothie: chop a small piece of turmeric’s  roots.Go on and mix it with a glass  milk, one spoon  of cinnamon to make it taste,or you may still add  honey.You may add a little cream if you wish. A smoothie on a daily basis will do just fine.
  • You may also grind and take it dry: it is better when you mix it with warm milk and serve it before it cools.
  • Or just take supplements: adults need an average of two  grams of dry powder on a daily basis.

Exemptions from dosage

Curcumin thins blood. This can hinder blood from clotting normally hence people such as pregnant mothers  or those preparing to undergo a surgical process within a fortnight should avoid it.