Rejuvenate your health with Turmeric Curcumin

Rejuvenate your health with Turmeric Curcumin

Do you feel as though your health is treading on the wrong path? Or have you ever wondered whether what you consume when sick is really treating your ailment, or just causing a chain reaction for other illnesses to crop up? It is always wise to challenge what you are told is good for you and it is even wiser to see it for yourself’ or rather, in this case, ‘feel’ it for yourself.

Rejuvenate your health with Turmeric CurcuminTurmeric is a spice that has made a great reputation for itself with its powerful properties. People swear by its effectiveness to heal conditions or diseases in their body and as time goes by, more and more people are getting on the Turmeric band wagon. I’m sure most people think that it is a spice used in cooking, but that is not all it is. Curcumin, the main property in Turmeric, has all these super qualities that are greatly beneficial to the overall health of your body. These qualities leave no system out in the human anatomy. They treat or even cure diseases that have been known to be resilient and if you make a habit of consuming Turmeric, you shall feel and notice the difference in your body.

Weight Loss

Taking a teaspoon of Turmeric everyday significantly lessens your body weight. This is due to how it has the ability to detoxify your body and get rid of all those toxins that overwhelm your organs and body system in general. It boosts your metabolism and gives you energy that makes you want to be more active.


Consuming Turmeric regularly helps in forming an insulin resistance. There is reduced inflammation from fatty liver tissue. Furthermore, Turmeric lowers blood sugar and regulates it.

Alzheimer’s Disease

Rejuvenate your health with Turmeric CurcuminTurmeric is great for the brain, as it is for other parts of the body. It puts a stop to developing plaque that is responsible for the development of Alzheimer’s, a disease that slowly deteriorates normal brain function. A frequent consumption of Turmeric can also increase mental focus and clarity. It resumes good circulation from the brain to the heart and vice versa.


Cancer is a disease that can rapidly spread in the body. Carcinogens thrive in an acidic environment and if the area continues to harbor inflammation, then cancer cells go into a frenzy and start to attack various organs in the body.

This can be stopped dead at its tracks by Turmeric. It has the ability to alkalize the acidic environment and eradicate those carcinogens.

Turmeric anti-inflammatory qualities effectively combat cancer cells. People who are in the habit of consuming Turmeric everyday have lower chances of getting cancer or any anti-inflammatory diseases for that matter. In India, cancer cases are quite low due to the elderly consuming the herb everyday as a spice in their food.


Those are but a few diseases that Turmeric can help treat or heal. There is a list of endless conditions and ailments that Turmeric has been known to heal. If you have good health, then consider your life fulfilled because without good health, life changes drastically.

Turmeric: The Golden Spice of Life

Turmeric: The Golden Spice of Life

Turmeric is considered and referred to as the ‘Golden Spice’ by many. This is because Turmeric is one of the most powerful herbs out there. It has effective, amazing effects that not too many plants have. It is found in India, Indonesia, South China and in some countries from the continent of Africa. The root plant is cultivated and harvested from Feb to April. It is then chopped up into smaller pieces and then spread out in the sun to dry.

It has been around for thousands of years, utilized in India and other southern parts of Asia as a medicinal herb. It has always been put in the food as a spice and its yellow -orange prevalent color plus taste, makes some great curries and other kinds of soups or puddings.

Facts about Turmeric

Turmeric: The Golden Spice of LifeTurmeric’s wonderful qualities have really been spreading all over the world and while it was just a thing for the East, the West has started to embrace this herb and its uses as well. Here are some facts about Turmeric:

  • It is said to be stronger than Vitamin E.
  • It can boost the immune system and restore balance when experiencing a hormonal imbalance.
  • Its relative is the well famed Ginger Root.
  • It is named “yellow Ginger due to Ginger association and its bright yellow color that stains anything it comes into contact with.
  • It can be used as a natural dye.
  • It has been certified and branded safe by the FDA, since it is no natural.
  • It can treat Arthritis and all other related inflammatory diseases, since it contains Curcumin, a component that is said to have very high levels of anti-inflammation.
  • It can heal colds and flu.
  • Turmeric can prevent cancerous tumors from forming and if they are already in the body, the powerful herb can help eliminate it.
  • It can help HIV+ patients by increasing the count of red blood cells.
  • It can cure conditions associated with the kidneys and liver.
  • Turmeric: The Golden Spice of LifeTurmeric can help with lowering cholesterol level.
  • It can heal gum disease.

The advantages and disadvantages of Turmeric

Curcumin is a very powerful component in Turmeric. It carries all the anti-carcinogenic, anti-inflammatory and anti-oxidant qualities that are needed by the body to sustain overall health. With an array of benefits, Turmeric is gathering momentum in fame and more people are using it for its amazing potency in healing.

The only disadvantage Turmeric may have is that it may not be suitable for people taking medications since it might interfere with what the doctors prescribed for them. Before you decide to consume Turmeric, make sure you let the doctor know, just in case it collides with your prescription drugs.

Although this cannot be considered a side effect, consumption of too much Turmeric may  bring irritation to the lining of your gastrointestinal tract. A good way is to try and eat it with food, or even better still, boil one cup of water and put one teaspoon into the water. Make sure the water is hot so that the Turmeric completely dissolves. Drink it within four hours of making it.

Treating Fibroids with Turmeric

Treating Fibroids with Turmeric

Turmeric is a herb that has been around forever and it has amazing health benefits which have been proven to work by different research studies. Countries in Asia, particularly India, have for centuries used it for medicinal and culinary practices, thus branding it as the ‘holy powder’.

Turmeric is reputed to treat various diseases of the body. So it is of no wonder that now, Fibroids have been added to the long list of conditions that can be treated or healed using Turmeric.

What are Fibroids?

Treating Fibroids with TurmericFibroids are tumors which are benign which grow on the walls of a woman’s uterus. They can range in size, as small as a bead or as big as an orange.

When a woman is diagnosed with Fibroids, the recommendation is detoxifying the liver and trying to decrease Estrogen in the body.

In the United States, it is estimated that over thirty percent of Women have Fibroids. It is even more astonishing to find out that over eighty percent of women who may appear healthy and don’t feel ill have Fibroids. Thousands of Hysterectomies are done annually due to this condition.

With its miraculous like properties,Turmeric has recently been deemed effective to treat Fibroids.  It has become increasingly popular to the point that the doctors are actually recommending the herb to their patients. Its detoxifying properties are ideal for Fibroids. The task of supporting the liver is covered by Turmeric and when the liver starts to function sufficiently, then there is even a shrinking of the Fibroids.

Consumption of Turmeric

In order for the proper absorption of Turmeric into the body, it is important that you learn how to do it. Even thought the herb has tonnes of great health benefits, the disadvantage is that it has a hard time absorbing into the system. The solution to this- get a carrier or an accelerator. By this, i mean get something else that will be digested, along with the Turmeric.

Treating Fibroids with TurmericThe perfect component is black pepper. It stimulates the tissues and offers easier absorption for the Turmeric. If you can mix it with Turmeric and take at least half a teaspoon of it three times a day,  You can’t however, consume this mixture without some liquid. You can add it to soup, or bring water to a boil and mix thoroughly; always make sure that the water is boiling hot, so that the ingredients dissolve properly into the water. This way, you will have your daily intake taken care of. Just make sure that both ingredients are Organic and that there are no additives of preservatives added.

You can also become a frequent eater of curries, since they are heavily laden with Turmeric. Don’t overdo it, though. Eating too much of Turmeric can really irritate your gut.

Other Benefits

While Turmeric caters for almost all diseases, it also makes a good beauty ingredient. It eliminates acne, pimples, uneven complexion, facial hairs, fine lines and wrinkles, age spots, cracked heels and so many other conditions that may appear on the skin.

Turmeric: The Powerful Anti-inflammatory Herb

Turmeric: The Powerful Anti-inflammatory Herb

Turmeric (known in India as the ‘Holy powder’) has many health benefits which promote the well being of an individual. This herb has so many powerful qualities which cure illnesses in the body, that it has been used by many cultures all over the world for thousands of years and still is at the top of the list for many civilizations. From lowering cholesterol to healing skin infections, the benefits of using Turmeric are endless.

Fighting Inflammation

Turmeric: The Powerful Anti-inflammatory HerbOne of the properties in Turmeric Curcumin is anti-inflammation. This potent quality is responsible for combating various diseases that crop up due to excessive inflammation. A prime example is Cancer.

A little bit of inflammation is needed to shield the body from all kinds of viruses and bacteria. But when inflammation starts to increase, that is not good for the body defenses because it weakens them or triggers a response of inflammation when there is no direct threat of a disease. In turn, it becomes the perfect breeding ground for inflammatory induced diseases.

Curcumin is said to reduce inflammation and restore health to affected organs or systems in the body. Its power to heal is not only fascinating, but incredible.

All natural vs. Conventional medicine

Turmeric is an all natural herb that bears no side effects, except for people who are on other medications. The only thing about Turmeric is that it needs to be consumed moderately, because too much will lead to irritation of the gut. Other than that, it works effectively to treat and heal most of the diseases that may be in your body.

Conventional medicine like Tylenol or Aleve, offer relief from pain in Arthritis inflicted patients, but prolonged use of these painkillers eventually lead to very severe side effects like liver and kidney damage, cardiovascular complications and other many conditions due to their usage. 

Turmeric, on the other hand, offers the same relief and you don’t have to worry about other illnesses cropping up when you consume it. Getting treated naturally obviously is the way to go.

Curcumin in Turmeric

Turmeric: The Powerful Anti-inflammatory HerbCurcumin is the powerful compound found in Turmeric that drives away inflammatory diseases like:-

  • Diabetes
  • Osteoarthritis
  • Inflammatory Bowel Disease
  • Cystic Fibrosis
  • Cataracts
  • Psoriasis
  • Gallstones
  • Psoriasis

Curcumin is said to block the key biological pathways that lead to various types of Cancers. It also prevents certain proteins to develop that are key elements in making a tumor form anywhere in the body.

Curcumin also kills already mutated cells in the body and if taken frequently, further prevents from any other ones forming.

The Absorption of Turmeric

Turmeric is a great anti-inflammatory herb, but you have to become a little bit creative in how you consume it because the compound Curcumin is not that easily absorbed in the body.

First, you have to ensure that the Turmeric you are using is a hundred percent pure Turmeric and that it is organic. You then can mix it with boiling water and drink it. Make sure you drink it within 4 hours, as Turmeric settles at the bottom and loses its potency.

You can also get supplements and consume at least 500 mg of Turmeric everyday.

Turmeric And Its Many Uses

Turmeric and Its Many Uses

Today, turmeric is no longer just an addition to a dish, but also a supplemental treatment to various ailments. In the kitchen, this spice is used often as a substitute to saffron as it provides the same musty flavor and yellow color as the saffron does. For medical purposes, turmeric proves to be beneficial to those who have dental problems, cough, colds, and stomach problems. It is also used to treat more serious illnesses like arthritis, jaundice, and anemia.

Turmeric and Its Many UsesWhere Did Turmeric Come From?

Turmeric belongs to the Zingiberaceae ginger group and is indigenous to Southeast Asia. However, it is more cultivated India, making them the biggest turmeric producer in the world. Other countries like Taiwan, Peru, Pakistan, Thailand, and some Central and Latin American countries have already started cultivating this herb, as well.

Why is Turmeric Medicinal?

You can say that turmeric is a super herb as it contains a lot of medicinal properties that can prevent and treat numerous illnesses.

It has anti-bacterial and anti-inflammatory agents that could give could natural remedy to rheumatism and osteoarthritis. In addition, it is also said that turmeric can help lower down unhealthy cholesterol levels and aid in type 2 diabetes. Furthermore, turmeric is also a good supplement when you are trying to lose weight.

This herb can also minimize the risk of having cancer as it works as a powerful antioxidant. With its detoxifying properties, free radicals that damage our body cells are killed and destroyed.

In 2009, one study showed that turmeric is very useful for preventing the onset of Alzheimer’s. Combining curcumin, an active ingredient found in turmeric, and Vitamin D is believed to be helpful for Alzheimer’s prevention. Added to that, this herb is also known for making immune system stronger. Furthermore, there are also claims that turmeric can help in curing some eye problems and getting rid of intestinal worms.

This herb has also become a popular choice for curing common ailments like heartburn, bloating, gas, and indigestion because of its anti-spasmodic properties. With that, you can also try taking turmeric if you often suffer from menstrual cramps as it could very well soothe cramped muscles. Other people also used this herb as part of their beauty regimen to lessen skin pigmentation, pimples, and cure skin infections and boils.

Turmeric and Its Many UsesHow to Use Turmeric as Medicine?

Here are some ways you can use turmeric as cure for some illnesses:

  • For coughs and cold, you can add and mix a pinch of turmeric in a cup of warm milk. You can also add honey if you like.
  • To treat Eosinophilia, mix in a teaspoon of turmeric and an ounce of honey and take it three times in a day. Do this for three months.
  • If you suffer from bleeding gums, rinse your mouth with water and a pinch of turmeric and salt. You can also do this if you have bad breathe.
  • To get rid of annoying mouth blisters, boil water with some turmeric and then, gargle.
  • For people who have asthma or bronchitis, mix in aloe vera juice (30ml) with turmeric and consume. Better take this with lukewarm water. Do this every morning in an empty stomach for ten days to a month.

Safety Precautions

Taking in excessive amount of anything is bad; this also applied with turmeric. Consuming too much of this herb in one go can cause diarrhea, nausea, and ingestion. It is advisable to seek your doctor first if you are pregnant and would want to take medicinal turmeric as it is not advisable during the course of pregnancy. Medicinal turmeric is also not recommended for children under 2 years old.

Turmeric: Digestive and Liver Benefits

Turmeric: Digestive and Liver Benefits

Most commonly found in Southeast Asia but has long been used in India – turmeric is more known to be a Middle Eastern spice rather than a medicinal herb. Belonging to the ginger family of Zingaberaceae, turmeric proved to have many health benefits for the liver and the digestive system. In traditional Chinese medicine and Ayurvedic, this herb is known as a digestive bitter and carminative. In some countries, turmeric are combined with food, such as rice, fish, or bean dishes to aid in digestion and prevents bloating and gas. More so, it helps our body digest fats easier because of its cholagogue properties, which is responsible in increasing our liver’s bile production and promotes bile excretion through the gallbladder.

Turmeric: Digestive and Liver BenefitsUsing Turmeric Supplements

With its health benefits, the use of turmeric as a supplement is very advisable, especially to those who have stomach congestion or those who suffer from chronic digestive problems. If you feel tired every after meal or often experience bloating and gas, adding turmeric in your diet is definitely a must try. You can either take the turmeric as it is or make it like a digestive bitter and combined it with other herbs. To maximize its effects, it is recommended to take the turmeric twenty minutes before your meal, particularly if your food is packed with protein or fat.

Benefits of Using Turmeric

People with colitis, Crohn’s disease, irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), and diarrhea could surely benefit from using turmeric as it has anti-inflammatory agents that improve congestion and inflammation of mucous membranes. The mucous membranes are the ones that cover and coat lungs, intestines, throat, and stomach. Aside from that, it also can help in providing itch and inflammation relief if you suffer from anal fissure or hemorrhoids. More so, since turmeric is also known for its anti-bacterial properties, this herb could help in improving intestinal flora or as a follow up supplement when you have undergone an antibiotic treatment.

Turmeric: Digestive and Liver BenefitsAside from its digestive health benefits, turmeric is also very useful to maintain or improve your liver’s health. This herb contains protective compounds that help the liver to eliminate toxins from the body easily. Furthermore, turmeric can also aid in treating people with hepatitis, jaundice, and cirrhosis as it is said it can shrink inflamed hepatic ducts.

Aside from treating diseases, turmeric is also a good addition to your diet if you often experience menstrual and digestive cramps. As it contains antispasmodic agents, this herb can soothe contracted muscles that cause cramps. You can try taking turmeric twice a day, two before your expected monthly period.

This should be able to lessen your menstrual cramps. Turmeric is also beneficial for those who have skin conditions like acne, eczema, or psoriasis as it is known to be a powerful detoxifier.

Incorporating turmeric in your daily diet is very advisable because of its health benefits. It could prevent any digestive and liver diseases, and if you already suffer from one, this herb could provide additional treatment. It is easy to make turmeric a part of your day as you can just combine it with your food, or take it as digestive bitter. Whichever way you decide to take turmeric, surely it will benefit you.

Using Turmeric For Relief Against Arthritic Pain

Using Turmeric For Relief Against Arthritic Pain

In the past years, a lot of assertions have been made with regards to how turmeric can be a source of the essential vitamins and minerals needed by the body to function at its best. Among others, it has been claimed that it is effective for arthritis, specifically in the reduction of pain associated with the inflammation of the joints.

Using Turmeric For Relief Against Arthritic PainWhat Is Turmeric

Before proceeding to the discussion on how turmeric is a wonderful herb for different health problems, it is important to first take a look at what it is first. This Indian spice comes from an herb native in the South Asian region, which has become more popular because of their medicinal applications. While the taste is quite pungent, it gives food a unique, making it taste more authentic. It is also known for its versatility as it can be mixed with anything, depending on your personal preferences. Aside from the culinary applications, many are surprised to know its value in alternative medicine, specifically when it comes to arthritic pain.

What Is Arthritis

Anyone who has been suffering from arthritis for a long time now would surely know how painful it is like. For those who do not have such condition, it is hard to understand how others are burdened with it. This condition shows negative effects on the joint, which connects two bones and basically responsible for your mobility. When you have arthritis, you will experience inflammation in the joints and it will be hard for you to move around. Aside from limiting the way you move, it also leads into severe pain, which can be felt every now and then. The severity of the pain will inevitably affect the productivity and quality of life of the patient. In order to deal with such pain, it is critical to discover promising relief options, such as in the case of turmeric.

Using Turmeric for Arthritis

Using Turmeric For Relief Against Arthritic PainTurmeric is abundant with a compound that is known as curcumin. The latter has an anti-inflammatory property, which is basically the reason why it provides effective relief against arthritis. This compound reacts with the protein that trigger arthritic pain. It also helps in the inhibition of prostaglandins and cyclooxygenase, which are the ones leading into inflammation. In addition, this compound is also known for lowering the level of histamine and stimulating hormones leading to a painful sensation.

Aside from being able to reduce the pain that results from arthritis, turmeric is also known to enhance the immune system, which allows the body to have better defense against a variety of illnesses. It is also abundant with antioxidants, which lessens the damages in the cells as caused by free radicals, and hence, making your body healthier.

Keep in mind, however, that turmeric should not be only consumed when you are experiencing arthritic pain. Instead, it should be taken as a preventive measure. You can have it incorporated in your daily diet, although the nutrients will be minimal.

In the end, it will be best to take supplements with pure turmeric extracts. You just have to make sure that it is purchased from a reputable supplier.

Treating Depression with the Use of Turmeric

Treating Depression with the Use of Turmeric

When you are feeling down, you might be depressed. However, depression goes beyond such as it is a serious medical problem that can have negative impacts on the way you live your life, including productivity at work and how you deal with other people. According to health experts, some of the most common symptoms of depression include changes in sleeping patterns, loss of appetite, lack of stamina, irritability, hopelessness, and showing suicidal thoughts. Aside from psychotherapy, there are also prescribed medications for treating depression. However, the problem with these treatment options is the fact that they often resort into the adverse side effects. To prevent the latter, natural treatments are preferred, such as in the case of turmeric.

Treating Depression with the Use of TurmericWhat Is Turmeric

Turmeric is a plant native in the South Asian region and used as a spice for curries. For thousands of years, more than its culinary applications, it has also been widely revered for its medicinal value. It is rich with antioxidants and anti-inflammatory properties, making it a common natural alternative for the treatment of arthritis. It is also believed to be highly influential in boosting the immune system, which makes it possible for the body to have better defense against a wide array of health problems. In research studies, turmeric has also been regarded as a viable alternative in dealing with depression.

Clinical Evidence

For those who might still be skeptic with regards to how turmeric can aid in the treatment of depression, it is worth taking a look at several clinical studies completed in the past. The latter have been accomplished to shed more light on how exactly the plant works in being able to combat depression, making it a good choice against medications. Many of these tests have been conducted in laboratory animals, with the same effect anticipated to be evident amongst humans as well.

Treating Depression with the Use of TurmericIn 2006, from a journal called Brain Research, laboratory rats have been given curcumin and have been exposed to chronic stress to possibly examine how it impacts depression.

Based on the conclusion of the study, the supplementation of curcumin reduces the depressive symptoms that are linked to stress. Although the effects have been proven, its impacts on human remains to be a subject under further testing.

In 2008, in a journal called Psychopharmacology, it has been found out that curcumin is also responsible for the increase in the production of serotonin, which minimizes depressive thoughts and symptoms.

In 2009, from the Scientific World Journal, the effects of curcumin in serotonin and dopamine have been also evaluated. The study has also showed favorable impacts, increasing clinical evidences proving the positive link between turmeric and depression.


You can take turmeric in fluid, capsule, or powdered form. The dosage will be dependent on what is suggested by the manufacturer of the supplement. To be sure, it is critical to have medical consultation first. If you are using anti-coagulant and anti-platelet drugs, it is also important to inform your doctor first. Lastly, carefully evaluate the reputation of the manufacturer of turmeric supplements to be assured of its safety and effectiveness.

Turmeric As A Promising Treatment for Cancer

Turmeric As A Promising Treatment for Cancer

For many years, experts in the field of medicine have been in an incessant search for the most promising treatments for different types of cancer. In spite of the developments in research studies, there is still no conclusive findings as to which one is going to be the best. In this case, a good way to deal with cancer is to resort into the use of natural alternatives like turmeric. The latter is a plant native to the Southeast Asian region and has gained popularity as a spice. Nonetheless, in thousands of years in Chinese and Indian medicine, it has been a staple in treating various health problems. Recently, there has been an increase in the number of research studies noting how this herb can be beneficial in the treatment and prevention of cancer.

How Turmeric Helps in Treatment of CancerTurmeric As A Promising Treatment for Cancer

The main compound found in turmeric is known as curcumin, which is basically the one responsible for the wonders it can do for cancer. In 2007, one study has found out that rather than treat cancer just with chemotherapy, it should be coupled with the use of curcumin, which is expected to increase its effectiveness. The following are some of the ways by which turmeric aids in the prevention of cancer:

  • The curcumin helps in enzyme inhibition, which also halts the growth of tumors in the body. Therefore, it directly interferes with the possible development of cancer cells.
  • The abundance of free radicals in the body is known to be one of the leading factors influencing the growth of cancer. Curcumin is known to be antioxidant, which triggers the neutralization of free radicals in the cells.
  • In a study using mice as the subject, there has been a 40% reduction in the growth of benign tumors. The tumor that is presence in the subject of the study developed because of the tumors triggering the development of colon cancer in humans.
  • Turmeric As A Promising Treatment for CancerIn another experiment with mice, the effectiveness of curcumin extract has been proven in the reduction of tumors in prostate cancer. The group of mice that has been treated with curcumin showed 70% recovery.
  • In spite of the claims on how curcumin is effective in cancer treatment and prevention, it is important to note that not study has used humans as subjects, making it hard to verify the claims.

Research in Recent Years

In one in vitro study conducted at the Stanford University and University of South Dakota, ovarian cancer cells respond better to treatments when curcumin extracts are also consumed. In addition, recent studies have also made it possible for turmeric to be made available in tablet or capsule form, making it easier to have it a part of your daily diet.

Through having it consumed as a dietary supplement, you will be able to enjoy its wealth of benefits. Nonetheless, to be assured of not experiencing any adverse side effects, make sure only the right dosage is taken. It should not be also consumed during pregnancy. It will be best to consult with a medical professional first to avoid any problems.

Curcumin – The Facts

Curcumin- What you didn’t know about it

There is an African saying that goes, “Don’t go to Sokoto to look for what is already in your shokoto”. Sokoto is a business center in Nigeria and shokoto are trousers. This adage is used to show people that many times the solutions they are seeking “out there” are right “in here”, in their shokotos.

Likewise there are many medicinal benefits that we forfeit in our bodies by looking them “out there” in the  “Sokotos” of complex medical science b and yet they are readily available in the plants that we interact with daily. One such plant or spice is the turmeric, from which we get the miracle substance called curcumin.

What is Curcumin?

Curcumin- What you didn’t know about itc its color, culinary and medicinal value and strength. It is extracted from the root of the turmeric plant. Though it makes up for only 3% of the total mass of turmeric,yet without it turmeric will not “remain turmeric”.

Health benefits of Curcumin

Detoxification-this substance contains molecular properties that have detoxifying capabilities. This means it removes toxic elements from your body that are can cause body fatal  dysfunctions including the growth of cancer cells. This capability cuts across all forms of cancer.

  • Curbing inflammation in the body-curcumin has the capacity to aid in the decrease of inflammation in the body. Inflammation in itself can create a conducive environment for the other disease processes to take place e.g. the growth of cancer cells.
  • Prevention of Alzheimer’s disease-this is a disease for which even our modern medical science has not been able to find a cure.Research has shown that in those countries where people consume curcumin in heir diets(through turmeric spice),there are lower cases of Alzheimer’s disease compared to those where it is not.
  • Blood sugar stability– curcumin is also known to have the ability to stabilize blood sugar levels. It contains Curcuminoid polyphenols, which are its primary antioxidant in the turmeric root. When blood sugar is not balanced, the body is stands vulnerable  to all forms of  inflammatory conditions.
  • Curcumin- What you didn’t know about itCombating  obesity-this benefit  is due to its ability to regulate blood sugar levels. Many cases of obesity are directly associated with diabetes while  diabetes as a disease is  directly associated with blood sugar levels that are left uncontrolled and unregulated and , which curcumin lends a helping hand in  regulating  and stabilizing these sugar levels in the blood.
  • Joint pain relief-this natural spice is also known to help in relieving joint pains associated with osteoarthritis or rheumatoid arthritis.
  • Heart health and protection-since curcumin fights inflammation, which is a key culprit  in  many  heart diseases, its intake has a big share in maintaining a healthy heart.

Recent studies have indicated that curcumin protects heart functions and strengthens the body’s own internal repair systems after suffering a heart attack. It also reduces triglycerides and cholesterol level and for that reason it imparts immense  benefits to  your circulatory  system.


Curcumin may not be panacea to all medical conditions, but it goes a long way in helping to secure your health, especially at the preventive level. This is because the health benefits associated with it protect and benefit  the vital organs such as the heart and vital metabolic processes the likes of sugar regulation and deoxidization.