Turmeric Supreme Extra Strength Gaia Herbs Review

Gaia Herbs is the company that manufactures Turmeric Supreme: Extra Strength Curcumin. Full curcumin synergy is represented by Turmeric Supreme. This formulation claims that it is unique as it created a powerful profile of the whole plant and included all the valuable properties of Turmeric. This product claims to provide per capsule more curcumin than any other product family under Gaia Herbs.

In Ayurvedic medicine the past thousand years, Turmeric has been considered extremely valuable. Ayurveda is India’s traditional system of medicine. Currently, turmeric’s compounds have been identified by science and in particular, curcumins which support health and function of inflammation. This maintains overall vitality and health. The family of products under Turmeric Supreme represents full synergy of curcumin which claims to better support higher absorption rates.

When looking for a turmeric daily supplement there is a lot more than meets the eye. Other than colorful labels and guarantees in giant font, you really need to read the fine print. Finding a supplement approved by the FDA is important and knowing whether or not it is okay for vegetarians to take is things to watch out for. We decided to do some investigating to see what this product contained and how it works.


Ingredients of this product include 406mg of organic turmeric root extract, 42mg of ecologically harvested turmeric root extract or curcuma longa and 34mg of supercritical extract. As you can see not all the ingredients are organic. Other ingredients include water, vegetable glycerin, soy lecithin and a vegetable capsule suitable for vegetarians.


The serving size is 1 capsule one time each day.


There are different prices for various bottle sizes and you get a discount if you buy in packs of three.

  • $29.99 for a bottle of 60 capsules
  • $83.97 if you buy 3 bottles of 60 capsules each
  • $49.99 for a bottle of 120 capsules
  • $139.97 if you buy 3 bottles of 120 capsules each


This product by Gaia Herbs features a 100% satisfaction guarantee as well as a security guarantee. This should be good news for discerning consumers.

Click here to learn about our Top Turmeric Curcumin Supplement Products.

Optimal Turmeric Seeking Health Review

Seeking Health is the company that manufactures Optimal Turmeric. This product provides a brand of turmeric called Meriva, which is a unique complex phospholipid of turmeric with maximum bio-availability. Throughout the years, turmeric has been used long as both in folk medicines preventing tissue inflammation and promoting physiological balance. It is also used as a spice in dishes like Indian curry. Many turmeric benefits are increased by having antioxidant properties. Aside from supporting the defensive antioxidant content, curcumin in turmeric inhibits the oxidation of lipid fat which helps in neutralizing possible blood vessel oxidative damages. Research has suggested that curcumin might even help in healthy regulation of glucose and be protective of the ocular delicate tissues in the eye lens.

Meriva brand turmeric is patented and not available anywhere else. Generally, curcumin absorption is in general poor due to intestinal environment instability and low solubility. Meriva is a patented ingredient addressing this issue as it combines the extract of turmeric with soy lecithin phosphatidylcholine as it forms a complex that helps in turmeric absorption.

Inflammatory responses are regulated. Inflammed tissues are a defensive repairing mechanism of the body and are activated by allergens or infections along with aging, disease and even injury. If there is no correct regulation of inflammation, tissues can become damaged and slow the natural repair process and healing of the body Turmeric helps in neutralizing compounds of inflammation and helps in maintaining integrity of cells.  Not all turmeric brands are created equal. As a matter of fact, it is important to overlook some of the more obvious reasons to buy a bottle of turmeric, such as the labeling and actually read the fine print. We wanted to find out what was behind this product by Seeking Health and took it upon ourselves to do some investigating to see what the product contained and how it worked.


Ingredients include 250mg of turmeric phytosome. Other ingredients include silicon dioxide and a vegetarian capsule, making this product suitable for vegetarians.


The recommended dosage and serving size daily is 1 capsule a day. There are one hundred capsules per bottle.


This product retails from the manufacturer’s website at $24.95 with no discounts available.


There is no satisfaction guarantee offered on the website of the manufacturer and neither is this product regulated by the FDA. On the other hand, there are a few good reviews found on one part of the website.

Click here to learn about our Top Turmeric Curcumin Supplement Products.

Curcumin C3 Complex Viva Labs Review

Viva Labs is the company that creates Curcumin C3. In turmeric, curcumin is the active polyphenol curcuminoid. Curcumin C3 studies validates its potent antioxidant status and gets free radicals neutralized for supporting circulatory system health, heart, brain and give joint support. This product combines Bioperine with Curcumin C3 in order to maximize getting absorbed in the body as well as improving bioavailability to up to 2000 percent.  You get better immunity when you take turmeric. The curcumin in turmeric proves to help in supporting  your system of immunity as it works to create cytokines balance. Weight loss and heart health is something that turmeric contributes to. Studies show a total body fat decrease when you eat a diet enhanced by turmeric. In Japan, they found that curcumin benefits exercise at the University of Tsukuba when it comes to a healthy heart as it hinders cholesterol buildup and improves the health of arteries.

Curcurmin gives memory support and is anti inflammatory. There are properties that reduce inflammatory tendencies in the body. Synergistically, Bioperine and Curcumine C3 defend against decline of cognition due to their high content of antioxidants.  Keep in mind that different curcumin or turmeric brands are not created in the same way and it is important to be a discerning consumer to reap the benefits of this herbal wonder. We decided to do a bit of investigating and find out what this product contained and exactly how it worked.


The contents of Curcumin C3 by Viva Labs are as follows:

  • 500mg of curcuma longa or turmeric root extract
  • 475mg of standardized 95% curcuminoids
  • 5% to 6.5% bisdementhoxycurcumin
  • 15% to 25% dementhoxycurcumin
  • 70% to 80% curcumin
  • 5mg black pepper fruit extract Piper Nigrum, called BioPerine
  • Other ingredients include ascorbyl palmitate, cellulose capsule and rice flour. This supplement is okay for vegetarians to take.


The recommended dose on the manufacturer’s website is 1 vegetarian capsule a day. Each bottle contains one hundred twenty capsules.  This product is one hundred percent safe for vegan or vegetarian consumption.


Each bottle of 120 capsules costs $25.00. There were no discounts or discount membership programs indicated on the website of the manufacturer. This is a considerably a reasonable price to pay considering the number of capsules contained in every bottle.


The company offers a hassle free money back satisfaction guarantee within ninety days of purchasing the product, whether it was unopened or opened. This goes to show that the company is confident that the product will work.

Click here to learn about our Top Turmeric Curcumin Supplement Products.

Super Bio-Curcumin Life Extension Review

Life extension is the company that manufactures Super Bio Curcumin. Super Bio Curcumin is a form of extract of curcumin that is highly bio available. This spice turmeric polyphenol nutrient benefits almost every body organ. Keep in mind however that when it comes to absorption, it is not easy for the human body to absorb curcumin. For this reason, Life Extension features a patented formulation of curcumin called BCM 95 which makes curcumin easier to absorb by the body compared to other supplement brands.

When it comes to the effects of turmeric on the body, weight loss and heart health is something that turmeric contributes to. Studies show a total body fat decrease when you eat a diet enhanced by turmeric. You get better immunity when you take turmeric as it boosts the immunity of the body. The curcumin in turmeric proves to help in supporting your system of immunity as it works to create cytokines balance. Turmeric also balances brain chemicals which alleviates depression. In Japan, they found that curcumin benefits exercise at the University of Tsukuba when it comes to a healthy heart as it hinders cholesterol buildup and improves the health of arteries.

At a glance, here are some of the benefits of Super Bio Curcumin:

  • Helps in digestive function maintenance
  • Promotes the function of a healthy system of immunity
  • Inhibits the NF KappaB molecule protein and other factors of inflammation
  • Health benefit for the whole body for every body organ
  • Compared to conventional supplements of curcumin, this one claims to be seven times easier to absorb.

This turmeric product claims to be the ideal whole body health nutrient with many faceted benefits to health. Having been used traditionally for Ayurveda medical treatments of India, the body’s inflammation factors are inhibited by curcumin. It also helps in supporting the health of the immune system and digestive functions. Among different herbs, turmeric stands out in being a unique anti-depressant as well. We decided to check out how it worked and did some investigating on its ingredients.


400mg turmeric root extract and other ingredients that include silica, vegetable stearate, rice flour and a vegetable cellulose capsule.


The recommended dosage is to tke one capsule daily with meals upon the advise of your medical practitioner.


One bottle of sixty capsules costs $34.20 and if you are a member, you can get the same bottle for $25.65.


The company offers one hundred per cent satisfaction guarantee or your money back.

Click here to learn about our Top Turmeric Curcumin Supplement Products.

Turmeric Formula Organic India Review

This is a review of Organic India’s Turmeric Supplement. Turmeric is a common yellow spice that gives flavor to curried dishes. However, Turmeric is valued for more than just its cooking uses. The herb has been used in the Ayurvedic healing tradition for centuries.  The active ingredients in Turmeric — Curcuma longa — are a group of plant substances called curcuminoids. Known collectively as “curcumin”, curcuminoids have demonstrated potent antioxidant properties in scientific studies. Curcuminoids benefit joints and other tissues by helping to neutralize free-radicals. Through its antioxidant mechanisms, curcumin supports colon health, exerts neuroprotective activity and helps maintain a healthy cardiovascular system.  Curcumin:

  •  is very useful in joint related concerns
  • helps maintain a normal cholesterol and a healthy heart.
  • is very helpful as a digestive support.
  • is extremely helpful in liver protection.
  • is also used in controlling obesity.
  • induces the flow of bile, which breaks down fats.
  • acts as an anti-inflammatory agent that relieves the aches and pains associated with arthritis.

There are a variety of products on the market and sorting through them and selecting the best one for your needs can be confusing.  Many companies trying to cash in on trends do not really care about the quality of their product, therefore their products may be ineffective.  We decided to conduct some independent online research to learn about this product.  Read on to find out if this product is right for your needs.


This is an herbal supplement, not a medication. Ingredients are as follows:

  • Active Ingredients — 370 mg Turmeric, 80 mg Turmeric Extract, 50 mg Ginger
  • Other ingredients —  Vegetable Capsule
  • Naturally gluten-free. This is a Vegetarian/Vegan Formula.


This product does have clear dosage instructions that are found on its website. Take one capsule each day with water and a full meal.

Side Effects

This product is safe for long term use. This product has no known or reported side effects.  Contact a doctor and discontinue use immediately if you experience any allergic reactions to the individual ingredients.


This product is sold online for $20.24 for a bottle containing 90 capsules. This is marked down from the original price of $26.99.  No coupons or additional discounts could be found online.


No information about a product guarantee was available online. Consumers want to feel confident in trying out a new product.  It is disappointing that this product does not offer the security of a money back guarantee. Many comparable products offer guarantees.


Turmeric Formula Organic India has a good reputation and it seems to be a good product but the problem is there is no money back guarantee and it isn’t FDA inspected.

Click here to learn about our Top Turmeric Curcumin Supplement Products.

Turmeric Food Science Of Vermont Review

This is a review of Food Science of Vermont’s Turmeric Supplement. In many Asian countries Turmeric is valued for more than just its delicious cooking applications. This herb has been employed in the Ayurvedic healing tradition for centuries.  The active ingredients in Turmeric (Curcuma longa) are a group of plant substances called curcuminoids. Known collectively as “curcumin”, curcuminoids have demonstrated potent antioxidant properties in scientific studies. Curcuminoids benefit joints and other tissues by helping to neutralize free-radicals. Through its potent antioxidant properties, curcumin supports colon health, exerts neuroprotective activity and helps maintain a healthy cardiovascular system.  Curcumin:

  •  is very useful in joint related concerns
  • helps maintain a normal cholesterol and a healthy heart.
  • is very helpful as a digestive support.
  • is extremely helpful in liver protection.
  • is also used in controlling obesity.
  • induces the flow of bile, which breaks down fats.
  • acts as an anti-inflammatory agent that relieves the aches and pains associated with arthritis.

There are a variety of products on the market and sorting through them and selecting the best one for your needs can be confusing.  Many companies trying to cash in on trends do not really care about the quality of their product, therefore their products may be ineffective.  We decided to conduct some independent online research to learn about this product.  Read on to find out if this product is right for your needs.


This is an herbal supplement, not a medication. This product contains 500 mg of Curcuma longa Root Extract. Other ingredients include: vegetable cellulose, rice flour, vegetarian leucine. This product contains all non GMO ingredients.


This product does have very clear dosage instructions that are found on its website. As a dietary supplement users should take 1 capsule with breakfast and 1 capsule with lunch.

Side Effects

This product claims to be safe for long term use. However, it is unclear whether this product has been evaluated by the FDA. This product has no known or reported side effects.  Contact a doctor and discontinue use immediately if you experience any allergic reactions to the individual ingredients.


No pricing information could be located on the manufacturer website. It is likely that this product is sold in local stores.


No information about a product guarantee was available online. Consumers want to feel confident in trying out a new product.  It is disappointing that this product does not offer the security of a money back guarantee. Many comparable products offer guarantees.  Local stores may have guarantee and return policies.


Turmeric Food Science of Vermont has no guarantee anywhere on the internet and that can be a little concerning. Besides, a product that has no price tag clearly shown on the website is already lacking in credibility.

Click here to learn about our Top Turmeric Curcumin Supplement Products.

Turmeric Standardized Extract Nature’s Wealth Review

Nature’s Wealth Vitamins creates Turmeric Standardized extract. This is a five hundred milligram vegetarian capsule of the extract of turmeric and is standardized to ninety five per cent from curcumin. In Turmeric, it is the ingredient called curcumin that has been used for the overall treatment of brain health, and depression. Turmeric Standardized Extract claims to be the most clinically studied, premiere source of standardized turmeric extract in the market but upon investigation, we found no source or mention of the clinical studies. It also guarantees great effectiveness when you take the supplement as recommended by your health care professional.

For thousands of years, turmeric has been used in South East Asia in locations such as Japan, China and India as a supplement, food ingredient and in some cases as a daily drink as it has been found to increase brain health particularly in aging populations. In addition, turmeric has been found to help people suffering from depression. Curcumin is the ingredient in turmeric that helps brain health.  The way it works is that curcumin extract is derived from the plant root and it has been revealed by studies that this chemical is powerful enough to balance brain levels of dopamine and serotonin in order to battle depression symptoms. Not only has turmeric found to increase mood, it is also found to be one of the strongest anti oxidants and cause reduction of risk for cancer. In the brain, emotions and moods are under control by neurotransmitter chemicals which are produced. Where these chemicals are out of balance, such as dopamine and serotonin, it can result in depression feelings.  With turmeric, the brain chemicals that are important are produced correctly and in normal levels. We decided to investigate the contents and ingredients of Turmeric Standardized Extract.


The ingredients of Turmeric Extract include:

  • Curcumin C3 Complex standardized to 95%
  • Vegetarian Capsules

There is no information about other ingredients it may have included in its manufacturing of the capsules.


Depending on the advice of your health care provider, take this capsules once or twice with meals daily.


Turmeric Extract comes in a 500mg bottle of either 120 or 60 capsules. The 120-capsule bottle is $30.55 and the 60-capsule bottle is $16.70.


This product comes in a great looking bottle and is sealed properly but does not offer any satisfaction guarantee on its website. This fact may cause consumers to be wary of purchasing products in which the manufacturers themselves do not seem to back up with a guarantee.

Click here to learn about our Top Turmeric Curcumin Supplement Products.

Turmeric FSE New Mark Review

For hundreds of years, particularly in India, Turmeric has been seen as the basis for a healthy herbal regimen. In the tradition of Ayurveda in India, this plant was known as a key detoxifier and balancer among all the other herbs. In the traditional Jamu system of Indonesian herbs, the queen of all herbs is known as being turmeric. In both China and Japan, populations detoxify their liver with turmeric and there are even Japanese societies that drink the juice of turmeric on a daily basis. In herb trandition, turmeric is thought to be one of the earth’s most important herbs by scholars.

NewMark is the company that creates Turmeric FSE. It is proud to feature this herb in a turmeric extract full spectrum without having applied heat stress and without chemical solvents. Radiant turmeric extract oil is extracted by as much as a ratio of two hundred to one.  For NewMark, the term super ‘critical’ indicates a supplement that has no chemical solvents, is broad spectrum, has super potenc yand is super pure. The company takes the extract of high concentration turmeric from the finest herbs to create this product. The best part is that when you take the supercritical extracted full spectrum by NewMark, neither the environment nor you need to deal with chemistry solvent. We took it upon ourselves to see what this product contained and how it worked.


  • One serve of this supplement contains 320mg hydroethanolic extract and 80 mg supercritical extract of Turmeric (rhizome).
  • Other ingredients includes yellow beeswax, silica, maltodextrin and extra virgin olive oil.
  • The capsule ingredients include carob, water, vegetable glycerine and gelatin. These are prion free and prepared without any solvents of chemicals. This is free of gluten naturally.


One daily softgel with breakfast or as a health care provider directs.


On the website of the manufacturer, there was no mention of any sort of satisfaction guarantee or your money back. This may make majority of consumers feel wary about products such as these that do not offer any sort of guarantee, since it makes it seem like the manufacturer itself does not trust its own product to work.


A satisfaction guarantee such as this is something that Turmeric FSE just does not include in its manufacturer’s website.

Click here to learn about our Top Turmeric Curcumin Supplement Products.

Kyolic Aged Garlic Extract Curcumin Review

When it comes to inflammation of the body, this is an issue that needs some attention. Many times, antioxidants like turmeric have been used to combat bodily inflammation which can lead to more complications if left untreated. There are various Turmeric brands in the market today and it can be confusing to know which is which. We did some investigating on this product and hopefully this helps you come to a conclusion.

What is it in turmeric that makes a great antioxidant?  If you don’t already know it, a popular talk show on TV called the Spice of Life is what made turmeric quite popular these days. In one study, turmeric was measured to see what effect it had on depression. As documented by the study, turmeric had a beneficial effect on turmeric. Keep in mind it was standardized Turmeric extract used and not a cheaper version.

Basically, the key ingredient in turmeric which makes it great for using to combat inflammation happens to be Curcumin.  For this product, the manufacturer’s website advises to take this product daily as it provides a natural, powerful response not just to issues with inflammation but also has cardiovascular benefits, aids liver health and helps in joint function as well.  Reportedly, a special process of extraction is produced to maximize the advantageous compounds and there are six hundred and fifty papers that claim to back this up. We noted however, that the papers were not named and the sources could not be verified anywhere online. We wanted to know more about what it contained and checked to see how it worked.


This product contains:

  • soybean-derived phsophatidycholine,
  • a curcumin blend
  • aged extract of garlic
  • turmeric complex

Other ingredients include vegetable source magnesium stearate, silica, cellulose and gelatin. This product claims to be free of artificial flavors, artificial colors, preservatives, gluten, sugar, dairy, yeast and sodium.


The suggested use based on the website of the manufacturer is 2 capsules daily with meals.


This product comes in a bottle of fifty or one hundred capsules but there was no price indicated on the site.


The website of the manufacturer did not indicate any guarantees, which may give consumers second thoughts about the effectiveness of this product.

Click here to learn about our Top Turmeric Curcumin Supplement Products.

Nature Made Turmeric Review

This is a review of Nature Made Turmeric Supplement. Nature Made is a very reputable and popular health supplement company. Turmeric is a tasty yellow spice that gives flavor to curried dishes. The herb has also been used in the Ayurvedic healing tradition for centuries.

The active ingredients in Curcuma longa are a group of plant substances called curcuminoids. Known collectively as “curcumin”, curcuminoids have demonstrated potent antioxidant properties in scientific studies. Curcuminoids benefit joints and other tissues by helping to neutralize free-radicals. Through its wonderful antioxidant properties curcumin:

  •  is very useful in joint related concerns
  • helps maintain a normal cholesterol and a healthy heart.
  • is very helpful as a digestive support.
  • is extremely helpful in liver protection.
  • is also used in controlling obesity.
  • induces the flow of bile, which breaks down fats.
  • acts as an anti-inflammatory agent that relieves the aches and pains associated with arthritis.

There are a variety of products on the market and sorting through them and selecting the best one for your needs can be confusing.  Many companies trying to cash in on trends do not really care about the quality of their product, therefore their products may be ineffective.  We decided to conduct some independent online research to learn about this product.  Read on to find out if this product is right for your needs.


This is an herbal supplement, not a medication. This product contains 500 mg of a proprietary  Turmeric Blend. Other ingredients include:  Cellulose Gel, Gelatin, Water, Stearic Acid, Magnesium Stearate and Silicon Dioxide..


This product does have clear dosage instructions that are found on its website. As a dietary supplement, take 1 capsule daily with a meal.

Side Effects

This product claims to be safe for long term use. However, Turmeric should be avoided when:

  • You have a history of gall stones or bile duct obstruction.
  • You are pregnant or nursing.
  • Having surgery — due to the anti-platelet effects of turmeric, patients undergoing surgery should discontinue turmeric at least 2 weeks prior to surgery.

Turmeric should be used with caution when:

  • Taking blood thinning medications (e.g.. Warfarin, Clopidogrel, and Aspirin) and/or anti-platelet drugs since turmeric may increase risk of bleeding due to decreased platelet aggregation.


No pricing information could be located on the manufacturer website. This product is sold in local stores.


No information about a product guarantee was available online. Consumers want to feel confident in trying out a new product.  It is disappointing that this product does not offer the security of a money back guarantee. Many comparable products offer guarantees.  Local stores may have guarantee and return policies.


Nature Made Turmeric review has good properties but it lacks in providing a price for the product and a well defined guarantee.

Click here to learn about our Top Turmeric Curcumin Supplement Products.